A picture showing the Beatles tribute act, The Magic of the Beatles


Come together, right now - it’s time to shake it up baby with the concert show of the year.

The sensational The Magic of the Beatles features an incredible cast that not only look and sound like John, Paul, George, and Ringo, they also generate that same, famed incredible excitement that was the trademark of one of the greatest groups the world has ever seen - with the Fab Four’s unique sense of humour thrown in for good measure too.

Enjoy She Loves You, A Hard Day’s Night, Help!, I Feel Fine, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Hey Jude, Here Comes the Sun, Get Back and so many more non-stop chart toppers. Concert goers are invited to join a magical musical tour that takes you back to the golden era of pop music - featuring hit after hit after hit!

Playing to ecstatic sell-out audiences all over the world - and now touring the nation, The Magic of the Beatles is all you need for an unforgettable night of crowd-pleasing, million-selling, solid-gold musical memories. So, let it be and get your tickets now!

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Guide Prices

Tickets - £32.75 - £34.75
Booking fees included
Ticket prices correct at time of listing, but please check the Bradford Theatres website as they may be subject to change

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Map & Directions

The Magic of The Beatles

Type:Music - Tribute Act

Alhambra Theatre, Morley Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1AJ
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Call direct on:

Tel01274 432000

Opening Times

Season (23 July 2025)

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