Lancashire born and bred Hussnain Hanif is a much respected Nasheed exponent who takes his practice all over the world. Nasheed is a westernised form of mid’ha (praise) that originates from the 1,400 year old Sufi tradition of individual devotion and cultural expression, comprising poetic songs of love, harmony and peace.
Julian Evans is an experienced composer and choral director in the western tradition and he was excited by the harmonic possibilities of Nasheed and how they may interweave in and inspire his own practice. Having launched the The Nasheed Choir (Pendle) at a sold-out Burnley Mechanics Theatre, Hussnain was invited by Amal to form Bradford’s iteration of The Nasheed Choir.
Hussnain says, “excited by the possibilities of combining Nasheeds and choral musical harmonies and the opportunity for young people to train with me and The Nasheed Choir team, Amal is supporting me, Julian Evans (choral director) and Ismaeel Hanif (vocal coach) to present Bradford’s iteration of the ‘world’s first ever’ The Nasheed Choir (Bradford) on its first public performance to local audiences at the magnificent Bradford Cathedral.”
Hussnain continues “This work has never been done before as singing in harmony and choral form is not something that comes from the Middle-Eastern or South Asian cultures. It’s a very western phenomenon. I am passionate about creating a new hybrid style of Nasheed singing that incorporates my 3 identities: being Muslim, British with a Pakistani ethnicity”
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